
Exodus 4:13-23

God is ready and willing to save, but are we ready to obey? We need to love the will of God, not just do it. 

We aren't entirely sure why Moses does not tell his father-in-law about his encounter with God.

It is important to honour those that you may have to leave behind if God is calling you elsewhere. God often works in peoples' hearts to respond in a positive way if you are leaving according to His will. 

God reassures Moses that He has been making the path straight before Moses when revealing that all the men wanting to kill him are dead. 

There is great difficulty when one spouse has a calling, but their partner does not share the call. 

Moses leaves behind possessions, but brings his family and the rod of God. Just as we should bring the Word of God with us wherever we go. 

God makes an impossible meeting happen and requires Moses to do and say certain things. He reminds Moses that he is His embassodor and that the words he speaks are to be the words God states, and to be ready for resistance. Because the path is straight doesn't mean it will be smooth. Even with signs and wonders, there will be times when the opposition's heart will be hard and unwilling to accept God's words. God says that He hardens the heart of the enemy just as He can cleanse our hearts. Pharaoh's will and attitude are already aligned with this hardening. 

God wasn't just freeing His people (something He could do easily), He also wanted to show Egypt who He is (against the greatest opposition from Pharaoh).