
Genesis 46:1-7

If you feel you are not in control of everything in your life, that is true with everyone. Life will be difficult, but God promises to be with us if we abide in him. 

As we can see in Joseph's life, he was not in control of the direction his life took. However, people do have the ability to make decisions. Jacob was 130 years old at this point and is struggling with the decision about whether or not to go to Egypt. As the patriarch that is leading his entire family, he is afraid of making the wrong choice and how that will affect everyone.

He has heard his beloved son he thought was dead is actually alive and in a seat of power in Egypt. There is a famine and the food is in Egypt. If he were to "listen to his heart" or "the crowd" (his sons), the choice is clear. However, he has learned that God's will trumps all other voices. 

God promised Abraham, Jacob's grandfather, that He would make a great nation from him and give them a promised land. When Abraham tried to go to Egypt it would have ended in disaster if not for God's intervention. God also told Isaac, Jacob's father, not to go to Egypt when there was a famine in his time; God provided for them. If Jacob followed the previous direction God had given (which could seem like "rules" or "tradition"), it would seem going to Egypt would be a bad idea and may even show a lack of faith. 

In this case, God wanted to take Jacob in a different direction for different reasons (the importance of a "pesonal relationship" with God, not just deciding to do things based on other factors). God told Jacob to go to Egypt and He will go with him to fulfill His promises.

Don't think of God's plan for your life outside of a relationship with Jesus; this is the most important thing to focus on. Then think of what God is doing in the world around you (from people around you, to the city, to the country etc). See where God is working and where you can help with that (versus focusing on your goals and seeing if God will fit in your plans).